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“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD...

Does HFGM need more donations to reach our goals?

Absolutely!!! However, we now have a new need. A need that is even more precious than a million dollars — your time and the talents that God has given to you!  Yes, we are seeking people convicted by God to come to Ghana and help us lead these street children in Vacation Bible School, teach the Bible based lessons, and/or help to improve the facilities we use.  The timing of your trip is entirely up to you, and you can bring up to seven people with you. This is a great opportunity for a church sponsored mission trip. If you feel God tugging on your heart to go, please check the box on the reply card, and we will contact you with additional information.

We are looking for sold-out people of Christ who would be willing to partner with us by either committing to a monthly donation or a one-time gift.

All donations are tax deductible

Word of Thanks

Dear Friends, I cannot say thanks enough for being the God’s vessels to reach these unreachable and untouchable and unlovable street children for God’s Kingdom. Please accept our sincere and hearty thanks for all of you who generously gave financially, materially and prayerfully. We could not have continued to minister to these street children without you continuing to give.

Some of the material donations we received arrived in Ghana and we’re still expecting a lot more boxes to arrive. Donations including school supplies, clothes, shoes, Children’s Bibles and Sunday School materials, etc.

We truly appreciate your generosity. Thanks very much!!!

Help Put A Smile On A Child's Face